Friday, October 31, 2014

Tawhid vs. Trinity by Greg Lanier

In Greg Lanier's series on "A Clash of Monotheisms" where he deals with the top three apologetics issues that a Christian faces when encountering Islam, the first issue is the doctrine of God. He dedicates 5 articles on the topic of "Tawhid vs. Trinity".

    Issue #1: “Christians believe in 3 Gods, not 1″ — Tawhid vs. Trinity (posts 1, 2, 3,  4 and 5)

    Issue #2: “Jesus did not die on the cross and did not rise from the grave” — The Qur’an on the Crucifixion
    Issue #3: “Christians corrupted the Bible” – The Transmission of the OT/NT vs. the Qur’an