Monday, November 30, 2020

The Old Testament Witness to the Trinity by Anthony Rogers


Anthony  Rogers, my favorite debater for the Trinity, presents an ongoing video series on the Old Testament Witness to the Trinity. This is a topic that I think is VERY important and useful. When done properly, this answers and addresses many objections and objectors to Christianity. If you can prove the Trinity is taught in the Old Testament, it proves that Christianity is the heir of Judaism to Jews, disproves Islamic monotheism and Islamic objections to the Trinity, and presents evidence for the truth of Christianity that ought to make atheist reconsider whether Christianity might actually be true.

Two Debates Between Anthony Rogers and Shabir Ally


Christian apologist Anthony Rogers and Islamic apologist Shabir Ally did a back-to-back debate on Nov. 14, 2020. Anthony Rogers is my favorite debater in favor the doctrine of the Trinity, and Shabir Ally is arguably the best Muslim apologist out there. So, these debates are a must watch.

DEBATE: Does the Bible Teach the Doctrine of the Trinity? (Anthony Rogers vs. Shabir Ally)

DEBATE: Is Islamic Monotheism Pure? (Shabir Ally vs. Anthony Rogers)

Anthony Rogers did some post debate videos:

Post-Debate Thoughts; Q&A [by Anthony Rogers]

Trinity or Quadrinity? An Answer to Shabir Ally
Trinity or Quadrinity: An Answer to Shabir Ally (Part Two)

Did Eve Believe Her Firstborn Child Was the Messiah, God Himself?


One of my favorite passages that suggests that Jesus is divine is Gen. 4:1. I don't use it as a knockdown argument. It's not the first passage I go to in order to prove the full deity of Christ. But it's one of my favorite to use AFTER I've presented the other more solid evidences and arguments. Anthony Rogers does a great job presenting the evidence for why Gen. 4:1 suggests Jesus is fully God in his video series linked below. I consider Anthony Rogers the best living debater for the doctrine of the Trinity. See all his videos in his YouTube channel. Below is the link to his series on Gen. 4:1:



Al Fadi interviews Sam Shamoun on the Christology of the Synoptic Gospels

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Unitarian Greg Stafford Debates Trinitarians

I'm a Trinitarian who thinks Unitarian Greg Stafford is someone Trinitarian defenders need to reckon with. Here are two debates he had with Trinitarians.


Is Jesus God? A Debate Between Greg Stafford vs. Robert M. Bowman, Jr. (2003)


Is Jesus God or a god? Greg Stafford vs. James White

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Toviah Singer and Genesis 1:26 by Anthony Rogers


Tovia Singer is a well known rabbi who argues against Christianity and Christian Trinitarianism. Here's a video where Anthony Rogers addresses rabbi Tovia Singer's comments on Gen. 1:26. Rogers' comments in this video is in addition to his other main comments on Gen. 1:26 in other videos for example HERE [linked again below].

Toviah Singer and Genesis 1:26

 Again, the above video presupposes you have seen Anthony Rogers' videos on the topic of Gen. 1:26. For example here:

The Trinity in Genesis? Two Objections (The Trinity in Jewish and Christian Scriptures, Part 2)




Monday, October 19, 2020

Jesus Christ: "the Beginning of God's creation" (Revelation 3:14)?


Some Trinitarian responses to the Unitarian use of Rev. 3:14 in which they argue for Jesus' creation and temporal beginning.

In the following video at 1:20:53 Anthony Rogers addresses this verse:

In the following video Ethan Smith addresses the verse:






Friday, July 3, 2020

The Irony of the Jehovah's Witnesses' Name

The Irony of the Jehovah's Witnesses' Name


Can Unitarians really fault us Trinitarians for coming to the conclusions that we do given passages like this? There are so many ways the New Testament connects Jesus with Yahweh/Yehovah that it seems to stretch credulity that in every instance its a case of the Law of Agency/Shaliach Principle/agentival representation as Unitarians claim.

See my blogpost where I show many other ways the New Testament connects Jesus with YHVH.

Identifying Jesus with Yahweh/Jehovah

Sunday, June 7, 2020

DEBATE: Does the Old Testament Teach That the Angel of the LORD Is Yahweh?

Another EXCELLENT Debate with Anthony Rogers, who I think is one of the best defenders of the doctrine of the Trinity living today. Here he debates L.J. Thriepland who does a good job defending his view. But Rogers' arguments and evidences were, in my opinion, too strong for Thriepland to overcome. Check out my other blogs linking to Anthony Rogers' materials.

Does the Old Testament Teach That the Angel of the LORD Is Yahweh?
Anthony Rogers vs. L. J. Thriepland

Monday, May 25, 2020

Articles in Defense of Granville Sharp's Rule

Whether you agree or disagree that Granville Sharp's Rule is a generally true descriptive rule in Greek or not, here are some articles that defend the rule an apply it to argue for the full Deity of Jesus Christ.

Sharp Redivivus? - A Reexamination of the Granville Sharp Rule by Daniel B. Wallace

Sharp’s Rules and Antitrinitarian Theologies: A Defense of Granville Sharp’s Argument for the Deity of Christ by Robert M. Bowman, Jr. [or Here]

 Granville Sharp's Rule Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1 by James White

Sunday, April 12, 2020

DEBATE: Does the Gospel of John Teach That Jesus Is God?

In this debate Anthony Rogers demonstrates why he is one of my top favorite living defenders of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Trinitarian Anthony Rogers vs. Unitarian Andrew Griffin on the topic
 "Does the Gospel of John Teach That Jesus Is God?"


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Trinitarian Andrew Schumacher interviews Unitarian Rivers O Feden

Trinitarian Andrew Schumacher interviews Unitarian Rivers O Feden who acknowledges many arguments of his fellow Unitarians are problematic and need to be revised or abandoned. As well as admitting some Trinitarian arguments are true.

 BW Live: Trinitarian and Unitarian, A Conversation

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Trinity in Jewish and Christian Scripture by Anthony Rogers

Anthony Rogers' EXCELLENT video series on the Biblical case for the doctrine of the Trinity. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

Or click the link below to automatically open up a browser window to play the videos playlist:

The series can also be found in another YouTube channel here:

How To Answer the Islamic Use of John 5:30 Against the Deity of Jesus Christ

How Zakir Naik Reads the Bible (John 5:30 Edition!)

Various Introductions to the Doctrine of the Trinity

Some introductions to the doctrine of the Trinity from various Evangelical teachers:

 What is the Doctrine of the Trinity? by Wesley Huff

The Tri Unity of God

The Eternal Generation of the Son by Lee Irons

Lee Irons explains the doctrine of the eternal generation/filiation of the Son, and the eternal procession/spiration of the Holy Spirit. I don't dogmatically hold to these doctrines, but I do lean toward them. They make some metaphysical and philosophical sense. As well as having some Biblical warrant. Though, not as strong as Dr. Irons claims. His inferences from Scripture aren't necessary, even if they might be likely/probable. Western Trinitarian Christianity has traditionally held to these doctrines, even though some modern Protestants reject them in order to affirm that Christ and the Spirit are themselves also autotheos as the Father is.