Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Analytic Christian YouTube Channel Playlists on the Trinity


 The Analytic Christian is a Christian YouTube channel that focuses on philosophical theology. Jordan Hampton usually interviews experts in specific fields of philosophical theology. Here are some of the channel's Playlists that are directly relevant to the doctrine of the Trinity.

The Trinity:

The Incarnation:

A Discussion on the Trinity & Unitarianism Between William Lane Craig and Dale Tuggy


This discussion is between world renowned Christian theologian and apologist William Lane Craig who defends basic Trinitarianism, and leading Unitarian defender Dale Tuggy.

A Discussion on the Trinity & Unitarianism

I've informally dialogue and debated Dale Tuggy on a number of occasions at Triablogue. Here's a blog to a collection of links to some of those conversations:

Interactions with Well Known Unitarian and Philosopher Dale Tuggy 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Jesus Is Yahweh: The Deity of Christ


Steven Bancarz is a former New Age teacher who converted [reverted back] to Christianity a few years ago. He was well known in the New Age community. He has grown in his understanding of Biblical Christianity to the point that his videos are now fairly orthodox. Here's a recent video of his where he explains and defends the full Deity of Jesus Christ as the 2nd person of the Trinity. 

Jesus Is Yahweh: The Deity of Christ