Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Trinity in Jewish and Christian Scripture by Anthony Rogers

Anthony Rogers' EXCELLENT video series on the Biblical case for the doctrine of the Trinity. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

Or click the link below to automatically open up a browser window to play the videos playlist:

The series can also be found in another YouTube channel here:

How To Answer the Islamic Use of John 5:30 Against the Deity of Jesus Christ

How Zakir Naik Reads the Bible (John 5:30 Edition!)

Various Introductions to the Doctrine of the Trinity

Some introductions to the doctrine of the Trinity from various Evangelical teachers:

 What is the Doctrine of the Trinity? by Wesley Huff

The Tri Unity of God

The Eternal Generation of the Son by Lee Irons

Lee Irons explains the doctrine of the eternal generation/filiation of the Son, and the eternal procession/spiration of the Holy Spirit. I don't dogmatically hold to these doctrines, but I do lean toward them. They make some metaphysical and philosophical sense. As well as having some Biblical warrant. Though, not as strong as Dr. Irons claims. His inferences from Scripture aren't necessary, even if they might be likely/probable. Western Trinitarian Christianity has traditionally held to these doctrines, even though some modern Protestants reject them in order to affirm that Christ and the Spirit are themselves also autotheos as the Father is.