Saturday, April 6, 2019

The "Word of the Lord" in the Targums

Here's an interesting webpage I found that documents some of the places in the Targums where the "Word of the Lord" is either personified or is a stand in for YHVH. Showing again how the concept of a plurality of persons in God (the "Two Powers in Heaven" concept) was already floating around and in the radar screens of some Jews before the Christian era. From which the author of GJohn in all likelihood was alluding to and amplifying in chapter 1.

This was to explain and safeguard both the transcendence of YHVH on the one hand, and at the same time the immanence of YHVH on the other hand. A seemingly paradoxical reality of OT statements and theology. In the Christian concept of the Trinity it all makes sense and provides a satisfactory resolution to the seemingly contradictory data we find in the OT (e.g. two YHVHs in Gen. 19:24; or the three agents in Isa. 63 with YHVH, the Angel of YHVH and the Spirit of YHVH).

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